Working to educate, empower, and support healthy communities in East Adams County.
Quick page jumps:
REACH was founded in late 2016 through efforts of the Adams County Health Department, using funds from an Empire Health Foundation Grant. The grant was given by Empire to the Othello Community Hospital for the purpose of fostering coalition-building in eastern Adams County; that was considered priority work, since there was then no health-related coalition serving eastern Adams County.
Our goal is to support local agencies and organizations in their efforts to have a positive impact on the health and well-being of the eastern Adams County area of Washington State. We are a 501(c)3 corporation: contributions to us are tax-deducible.
Currently, Adams ranks 34th of 39 Washington counties in health outcomes; while that includes western Adams as well as eastern Adams, it is still distressing: we must, we can, and we will do better.
Our current organizational roster comprises:
The Ritzville Ministerial Association
and individual community-member volunteers.
Today, everyone concerned with community health realizes that getting and staying healthy is not just a matter of seeing a doctor. Research shows that the contribution of adequate medical care to community health is in the range of 10% to 15% of all the factors affecting health: the rest is what is now called "the social determinants of health". That means things like the availability of good jobs, of affordable housing, of strong education for our children, of sound law enforcement, and so much more. REACH is a coalition of many of the institutions in our area that have important effects on the social determinants of health, and we as a group hope to be able to accomplish much more working hand in hand synergistically to address issues that any one of us might find daunting.
There is an on-point little video—about 4 minutes' run time—from the Washington State Hospital Association titled Health happens outside hospital walls that we invite you to take a look at; it illustrates what we are talking about here.
To educate, empower, and support healthy communities in East Adams County.
To provide all residents of East Adams County enhanced opportunities to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Almost anything! If you are willing to help make eastern Adams County a healthier community, join with us. You can make contact by emailing Karen Potts, Adams County Personal-Health Director: just click the link in this sentence.
Meetings are usually held every first Thursday, though sometimes we reschedule owing to key individuals having schedule conflicts. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you have ideas for activities or programs, that's great and we would be interested in hearing about them; be aware, though, we don't presently have much in the way of funds for projects beyond what we are already doing. (If you have grant-writing experience, we would love to hear from you!) We always meet during the noon hour, usually in the Adams County Extension Office conference room; that office is at 205 West Main Street in Ritzville.
The point person for making contact with REACH is Chair Karen Potts; you can email her by clicking the link in this sentence.
© 2025, Rural East Adams Coalition For Health, a Washington State corporation
(save where expressly stated otherwise).
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This page was last modified on Wednesday, 10 July 2019, at 2:01 am Pacific Time.